Christ Lutheran Church Sunday School Sponsorship – Compassion International

Since 2012 Christ Lutheran Church Sunday School has partnered with Compassion International in sponsoring a boy named Jailson Duarte. Jailson is now age 16 years old and lives with his father, mother and two siblings. His father is sometimes employed, and his mother maintains the home. Jailson likes soccer and singing. He is an average student and attends church activities regularly.

Jailson lives on the plains of Catuana Caucaia, Brazil, north of Fortaleza, home to approximately three thousand residents. Portuguese is the common language.  Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, adobe walls and tile roofs. The regional diet consists of beans, chicken, bread, and rice.  Most adults in Catuana Caucaia work as day laborers or in factories and earn low wages. Jailson’s community needs more steady jobs and economic support to send children to school and to provide improved health care.

Compassion International has partnered with the local church in Jailson’s community to carry out a holistic development program. The pastor, staff and volunteers provide a haven for him and other children attending the center. The church is a cornerstone in the community and understands the daily needs for these children.

Sponsorship allows Jailson the opportunity to learn about the love of Jesus and to receive personal attention.  He will experience Christian love through adults and children who care about him and his personal welfare.  Also, sponsorship enables the staff of Projecto Batista Semear (program center name) to provide Jailson with Bible teaching, health screening, health kits, hygiene training, nutrition lessons, tutoring, field trips, music activities and sports. 

Please remember to pray for Jailson and his family.  Continued love and support will help him receive the assistance he needs to grow and develop.